ZX cylinder finishing condition and the company’s solutions to the pandemic

As far as I aware, most of ZX cylinder sales and production is into beverage market.

For the terminal commercial parts of the industry,cleaning and surface finishing are mostly emphasized.ZX has the capability of coloring the cylinder surface with several different series of colors.Also according to the DOT/TPED standard regulation,we are able to stamp the personalized brand name or company name on the shoulder part of the cylinder.

To reduce the customers’ freight cost, we arrange the delivery in more flexible ways.For instance, sending the goods directly to the filling plants,for customers who do not fill the cylinders themselves.

Due to the pandemic,the raw material supply is limited,and the shipping lines are influenced.But we believe the situation will be getting better and better. All we need to do, is to keep our own job well done.

We believe that,although the pandemic shock has a great influence on the industry,we will find better ways to adapt the new conditions.

Post time: Jun-17-2022

Main applications

The main applications of ZX cylinders and valves are given below